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Multiplex in Who’s Who – 1986

Today’s post comes from Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16 (June 1986).  The art in the entry below is by Joe Brozowski and Greg Brooks. Such a great image of Multiplex! This particular issue of Who’s Who was published around the same time as Fury of Firestorm the Nuclear Man (volume II) #48, so information presented was current to that point.

If you are interested in reading the text, click the image for a larger version.

Multiplex from Who's Who by Joe Brozowski and Greg Brooks

George Perez had fun with the cover of this Who’s Who issue!  Check out all the “duploids” of Multiplex running around on that cover!  Clever!  How many can you count?  Click the image below for a larger version.

Who's Who The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16 cover by George Perez and DIck Giordano

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  1. rob! says:

    Luuuuuurve Who’s Who!

  2. Martin Stein RIP says:

    Can someone explain how Multiplex’s mustache went away whenever he put his helmet on, and came back whenever he took it off?

    Now that’s one hell of a super power. Never have to shave again.

  3. Firestorm816 says:

    At a quick glance, I counted 6, Though I may have missed some. I also think I found Waldo.

    I can only hope that this is a sign that the “Who’s Who” podcast that the world has been anxiously waiting for will soon be upon us!

  4. Man, I loved WHO”S WHO and Firestorm has a pretty fun rogues gallery doesn’t he?

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