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Happy Birthday Firestorm Fan Blog!

Today marks the third birthday of the FIRESTORM FAN blog!  Hard to believe it’s been three years already!  More than 400 posts, over 1,500 comments, and nearly 250,000 page views!  It all began with a post entitled, “Why a Firestorm blog?”  When I started this site, Ronnie Raymond was dead and Firestorm was composed of Jason Rusch & Gehenna.  Firestorm vol. III had been canceled and the character had been relegated to very irregular appearances in the Justice League of America comic.  Firestorm was a background character, barely active in the DC Universe.

Fast forward three years… Firestorm was recently a headliner in Brightest Day, one of DC’s best-selling comics!  Now there is an ongoing Firestorm comic by top-notch creators!  There are several different Firestorm characters running around the DC Universe!  We’ve got an entirely new continuity to explore for the Nuclear Men!  There have been numerous Firestorm-related toys released in the past few years!  Firestorm has appeared in multiple animation projects and even had a McDonald’s Happy Meal toy!  Hard to believe how things have changed in just three years!

Firestorm birthday cake!

To help celebrate the occasion, I thought I list some of the all-time most popular posts on FIRESTORM FAN:

One of the greatest perks of running this blog has been the amazing opportunities I’ve had to chat with Firestorm writers and artists.  All of them are super-nice and have been incredibly generous with their time.  I’m incredibly proud of the interviews we’ve done here at FIRESTORM FAN:

My thanks to all you match-heads for reading and commenting on this site!  I’m looking forward to many more years here at FIRESTORM FAN!

Support Firestorm (and FIRESTORM FAN)! Fan the flame!

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  1. outburst says:

    congrats, I hope it stays around for many more years as well!

  2. rob! says:

    Happy Birthday Firestorm Fan!

  3. Spinks says:

    Happy Birthday! And my you and yours have many, many more.

  4. Hey, happy birthday! Fan the flame!

  5. firestormfan89 says:

    Happy B-day! now blow out those candles

  6. Have a better one, MatchHead!!

  7. Luke says:

    Congrats! Here’s to many more!

    And, hey, coincidentally, what did I find at the used book store today? The classic Firestorm trade paperback! So now I have the classic Matchhead stories to read!

    Fan the Flame!

  8. Boosterrific says:

    Most three-year-olds are able to string together sentences of only a few words. But this post has many sentences of over a nearly a dozen words! Glad to see that you are far advanced of the curve, you super-blog, you. Congrats.

  9. DrNobody says:

    Mmmmm…. Cake!! Congrats!!!!! :^D

  10. Robert Gross says:

    Happy birthday to you!
    You’re one guy, or two!
    Your head is on fire,
    You have puffy sleeves too.

    Happy birthday, Firestorm Fan!

  11. Frank says:

    Feliz Cumpleaños, Fuegotormenta Aficionado!

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