We’ve got a special treat today here at FIRESTORM FAN – an exclusive teaser from Yildiray Cinar, artist on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men, promoting issue #5 of the series!
To show his appreciation for our support, Yildiray shared this teaser with FIRESTORM FAN! What a nice guy! And such a cool image too!!! This appears to be the same Firestorm character we caught a glimpse of in Fury of Firestorm #1. Also, I’m not entirely sure as it’s hard to see the full costume, but this might be the same Firestorm from the cover of Fury of Firestorm #7. I can’t wait to find out!
Looking forward to The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #5 in stores January 25, 2012!
This teaser is the latest in a line of exciting Fury of Firestorm teasers. Click these links for previous teasers for issues #1, #2, #3, and #4.
My thanks to Yildiray Cinar for providing FIRESTORM FAN with this exclusive!
Support Firestorm (and Yildiray Cinar)! Fan the flame!