DC Comics The New 52 continued to dominate the comic sales charts in November 2011! For sales through Diamond Comic Distributors, DC Comics held the top four sales spots, and 13 of the top 20 spots. Admittedly, the comics market is beginning to stabilize after the previous two white-hot months with DC Comics far in the lead.
Not surprisingly, we’re going to focus on The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3. In November our favorite Nuclear Men occupied the 78th sales spot with 28,489 units sold. Of DC’s The New 52 issues, Fury of Firestorm #3 landed as the 38th book in units sold.
In September, Fury of Firestorm #1 (first printing) occupied the 46th sales spot with 46,383 units sold. Of DC’s The New 52 issues, Fury of Firestorm #1 landed as the 30th book in units sold. The second printing of Fury of Firestorm #1 sold an additional 10,539 copies, for a grand total of 56,922.
In October, Fury of Firestorm #2 occupied the 54th sales spot with 39,591 units sold. Of DC’s The New 52 issues, Fury of Firestorm #2 landed as the 34th book in units sold.
While numbers have certainly slipped since September, Fury of Firestorm #3 still out-performed lots of other successful books such as: Punisher, Hulk, X-Factor, Avengers Academy, Thunderbolts, and many more. Also, just think how good these rankings would look if they included the digital sales! Overall, I still think Fury of Firestorm is performing well. Below you’ll find the top 100 selling comics in October from The Comic Chronicles.
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Sufferin’ shnikies, what the holy hell happened there? All our books were running together in a relatively tight pack, and now this. I’m assuming this is strictly pre-orders, and does not factor in the probable reorders necessary to maintain a more accurate trajectory after #1-2. Maybe the Gail Simone rumors hurt those earlier sales, but one would think EVS penciling two issues would keep people subscribed through April. I’m confident Firestorm will either regain ground or hold steady as Jonah Hex, Deathstroke and Batwing slide downward. Stormwatch has not been a great read, so I’m surprised it’s still performing at these levels. At least Aquaman hasn’t budged…
Apparently Firestorm took the biggest dive in November of all the New 52 titles. I think this is just people reacting to Gail Simone news, rather than actually reading the comic. Just my two cents.
It’s telling to me that 3 of the New 52 books I am really enjoying are not in the Top 100 (OMAC, Men of War, and Blackhawks). I am going to assume that all three of them are going to be on the chopping block at issue 8 (which has been suggested as the cut-off point for the less successful books). So next month’s solicits should be pretty sad. Ditto for Sterling Gates’ exit from Hawk & Dove, which will probably be the death knell for that fun book as well.
Anyway, good to see some things don’t change. Like Savage Hawkman outselling Fury of Firestorm. But perhaps with EVS pencilling a few issues the numbers will trend upwards a little bit.
Shag, I may be arguing from a place that reflects my own preferences and perspective, but I don’t think “the biggest nosedive of the new 52″ can be caused by something as esoteric as an impending change of author three issues hence.
My guess, and I admit this is just my trick knee talking and nothing else, is that people aren’t digging the Fury thing. An ugly, lumbering Hulk-like character is too far afield from what people expect from a Firestorm book.