Check out this gorgeous pencilled and inked splash page by Yildiray Cinar from The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3!
Man, I LOVE Yildiray’s work in pencil, ink, and marker! His art is so dynamic, clean, and painterly! Ronnie looks fantastic! Don’t get me wrong, I love Steve Buccellato’s coloring too. I’m just taking some time to appreciate Yildiray’s work.
Yildiray posted this piece to Twitter on Tuesday. If you’re a user of social media, be sure to follow Yildiray Cinar on Twitter!
Support Firestorm (and Yildiray Cinar)! Fan the flame!

This guy is a phenom.
Shag, I’ve been following Ronnie and the crew since the 70s. It’s one of the few titles I still collect. The Perez rendition was one of my faves, just to give you a point of reference. Since Perez, Yilidiray has been seriously impressing me. But I gotta say it:
The Clockwork Orange mascara has got to go! Jason looks like an Eddie Murphy Saturday night!