Fair warning everybody, I’m going totally fanboy today here at FIRESTORM FAN! You’ve been warned…
At the New York Comic Con last week, our good friend Rob from THE AQUAMAN SHRINE had an opportunity to chat with Fury of Firestorm artist Yildiray Cinar. Rob was kind enough to get me a copy of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1 signed by Yildiray! Thanks, Rob! That was incredibly generous of you!
While visiting with Yildiray, Rob mentioned that he and I have a podcast dedicated to Firestorm and Aquaman, THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST. Beyond all belief, Yildiray not only had heard of our show, but he said he just recently downloaded our latest episode! Yildiray then took out a sketch pad and spent about 10 minutes drawing this gorgeous piece for me!
OMG! Rob told me the sketch was entirely Yildiray’s idea. I’m completely stunned! Yildiray drew this sketch unsolicited and free of charge, FOR ME?!?!? Thanks, Yildiray! And my thanks to Rob for taking the time to talk with Yildiray, and for mailing the sketch to me. Like most artists, Yildiray normally charges folks for sketches. It’s just normal practice for an artist to charge for a sketch at a convention. The fact that Yildiray took ten minutes out of his busy schedule to draw this for me… I’m blown away!
It’s such a beautiful sketch of Ronnie Raymond as the new Firestorm! Well, it’s not really fair to call it a sketch. “Sketch” doesn’t do justice to this piece of art. You can see the pencil outline Yildiray started with. Then he inked the piece using his marker technique. Finally, he finished the piece using inkwash for the flames! Clearly this is much more than just a “sketch”! This is a full-blown work of art! I especially love the Kirby Dots, the wicked-cool cowl, and the hint of the chest emblem! Such attention to detail!
THANK YOU, YILDIRAY! This incredibly generous gift is sincerely appreciated. It means a lot that the creators behind the new Firestorm series have been so supportive of the FIRESTORM FAN site! Yildiray, Ethan, Gail… y’all rock!
You can keep up with Yildiray through his website, deviantART, Twitter, and Facebook! Be sure to tell him FIRESTORM FAN sent you!
Support Firestorm (and Yildiray Cinar)! Fan the flame!

Very cool! Looks like this podcast thing is paying off already!
That is really freakin’ cool and an absolute gorgeous piece of art. I’m jealous.
If you have it framed and hanging from your wall the next time I’m at your house, you better have good security or it may have a new temporary home in my suitcase and permanent home in my office at my house, even if does state, “For Shag!”.
That is awesome, Shag. Really.
That’s some sweet action!
Very cool!
I love it when a plan comes together.
You know…this is exactly why I love being a comic fan! The respect between fans and creators is so much more sincere than in any other medium. You have people who are genuinely excited when fans flock to their stuff, it’s not just a pay check for them it’s a huge part of their lives…and this just goes to prove that once again!
I also have to point out shag, that I am extremely jealous! I can’t wait to get my hands on the sketch book that he put together!
Very cool. You deserve it – even the tag!