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The second episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is now available for your listening pleasure! THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST is the official podcast of FIRESTORM FAN and THE AQUAMAN SHRINE. This time around we cover: JUSTICE LEAGUE #1, ACTION COMICS #1, cosplaying at Dragon*Con, Firestorm news, and listener feedback! If you’d like to see the DragonCon photos referenced during the podcast, here is a link.
You can find the second episode of THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST on iTunes. While you’re there, please drop us a review on the iTunes page. Every comment helps! Alternatively, you may download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing “Save Target/Link As”, and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (37 MB).
Thanks again to my co-host Rob Kelly, Sea King of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, for doing all the post-production on these episodes! Additionally, special thanks to Daniel Adams and his band The Bad Mamma Jammas for our super-cool outro theme!
Thanks for listening! Send your feedback to: firewaterpodcast@comcast.net
Support Firestorm (and Aquaman)! Fan the Flame!

This second episode was even better than the first, guys! Keep it up.
Fan the Flame, Firestorm Fans!
Ride the Dolphin, Aquaman Shriners!
1) I’m a big fan of done-in-ones, so I continue planning to not read Justice League #1. In the book’s defense, the Morrison/Porter JLA #1 didn’t get a lot done either, but the basic desire to establish the full membership and the nature of the threat was fulfilled in ’96.
2) I don’t mind using Darkseid for several reasons. The primary one is that for people who do not read monthly comics, the only options to get the new/returning/casual reader excited was either another Injustice League or Darkseid. Between the Super Powers Collection, Galactic Guardians and Superman: The Animated Series, Darkseid was about the only choice. Second is that Darkseid has been dead in comics since Final Crisis, so it’s good to bring him back. Finally, we’ve yet to see the DCnU Darkseid, who I hope would see some pizzazzification.
3) Justice League Unlimited is supposed to be the model for Johns/Lee. Everybody is getting onto the team.
4) The Strange Woman = Harbinger. Not literally, but the same stupid red sky type of ephemeral editorially mandated foreshadowing. Don’t care.
5) Still waiting on my copy of Action #1. First week of October…
6) I run the Justice League Detroit blog, and even I wouldn’t say that they’re my favorite. Third? Fourth?
7) I read the 1989 Batman movie novelization before seeing it as well. To this day, I’m ashamed to say it is the only book I have ever read cover to cover in one sitting. It was better than the movie, and I was especially bummed that we never got the chase sequence where Batman swings across Gotham Spidey-style.
Damn, Shag! You guys are much more consistent than that other person who you semi-regularly co-host a show with!
Thanks for the comments guys! Shag and I are having a lot of fun, I think it shows up on the shows.
That, and our seething hatred and condescension towards one another for our respective obsessions. I mean, Firestorm, REALLY?
Thanks for the comments everyone! Much appreciated!
As rob said, we’re definitely having a great time recording these podcasts.
Personally I find it hilarious that we’re covering Aquaman and Firestorm, a B-list and a C-list character. It’s like someone looked in the “Big Book of Superhero Podcasts” to see what was left. “Sorry boys, Ambush Bug and Forbush Man already have a podcast. Let me see what’s left…” 😉
Wait ’til they hear our new show, “The Fun Time Slipknot Hour.”
[…] one, two and three of THE FIRE AND WATER […]