Okay folks, looks like we’ve got an official title for the forth volume of Firestorm — THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN! It’s a nice riff on the second volume of Firestorm, with only one vowel difference.
DC Comics revealed the cover and solicitation for THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN #3 over on Newsarama yesterday. Check it out below!
On sale NOVEMBER 23 | 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US | RATED TWhen someone tries to create a hero of godlike power, there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. And one of those failed, twisted experiments has been kept in a bunker deep underground, far too dangerous and horrific to be allowed to see daylight. Until the mysterious Zither lets this nuclear nightmare free to kill all of Earth’s Firestorms! Presenting the shambling horror that was meant to be a savior: Helix!
On this cover we get a closer look at Ronnie and Jason’s new costumes. I really like the flames seeping out around their necks! Also, this cover seems to reinforce some of the previous speculation we’ve had about the nature of their individual powers. Notice how Jason’s powers and Ronnie’s powers manifest themselves differently. Jason’s energy looks like an atomic symbol, whereas Ronnie’s looks like fire or energy projection. Based upon their chest emblems, some people speculate that Jason’s powers will be more about matter transmutation, whereas Ronnie’s powers will be more about fire or physical damage. Alternatively, it may be more like what Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver introduced in Green Lantern — identical power, but the manifestation is a representation of the users personality. In this case, Jason is more book-smart hence the atom symbol, and Ronnie is more of a jock hence the sheer force. I guess we’ll find out on September 28!
Also on this cover we get a glimpse at our first new villain for the Nuclear Men – Helix! Dang, he looks creepy! And who is Zither? Gotta wonder.
The solicitation and the cover look great! I believe DC is giving this new Firestorm series every opportunity to succeed. It’s got great creators and great publicity! Now it’s up to us fans. If we don’t spread the word and let retailers know we’re interested in this series, it’ll be our own fault if it doesn’t succeed.
Support Firestorm: The Nuclear Men! Fan the flame!

” I believe DC is giving this new Firestorm series every opportunity to succeed. It’s got great creators and great publicity!”
I agree with you. I think DC is giving every one of their books the best chance they can to succeed. They’re even supporting these new launches with classic collections — you obviously know about the Firestorm trade, but did you see the solicit for the Hawkman Omnibus?
DC is taking a huge gamble here, but if they get even half of these titles to catch on it should be an exciting time to be a DC reader.
“If we don’t spread the word and let retailers know we’re interested in this series, it’ll be our own fault if it doesn’t succeed.”
The accuracy of that statement is questionable.
I’m looking forward to the series. It’ll start out on my pull list. Hopefully, it’ll be good enough to stay there.
I’ve had my doubts about the new book mainly because the idea of firestorm has changed so drastically but I got to thinking both Ronnie and Jason have been firestorm on there own..why would it be streatch for them both to be firestorm! plus these covers are unreal!
I actuallly don’t hate the one-colour costumes so much in this picture.