Rogue’s Gallery Week continues here at FIRESTORM FAN! Today we’re looking at Firestorm’s reoccurring foe, Brimstone! This engine of destruction was created by Darkseid and faced off against our favorite flame-brain a few times. Their nearly-earth-shattering final battle took place on the surface of the Sun in Firestorm #100.
Before we look at Firestorm #100, check out Brimstone’s entry in DK’s DC Comics Encyclopedia, Updated and Expanded Edition (2008):
To showcase Brimstone’s unbelievable power, check out these GORGEOUS pages by writer John Ostrander and artist Tom Mandrake from Firestorm #100. I picked just a few pages to display. First up, page 34.
Below you’ll find page 36.
Next up is page 38.
Finally, look below for the two-page spread on pages 44 & 45! Click the image to enlarge!
As you can see, Brimstone is crazy-powerful and a worthy adversary. While the Elemental Firestorm was able to combat Brimstone within the Sun, I’m not sure any other incarnation of Firestorm would survive. An impressive battle with impressive art! Well done, Mr. Mandrake!
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Brimstone and Super-Storm sure do have some facial similarities.
I have always liked Brimstone, and I remember this issue well as I am sure a lot of us do. And the same thing bothers me now that bothered me then. In the last panel, why is Brimstone’s right hand flesh colored? Sorry, but that bugs me to this day, lol.
Say, that encyclopedia missed J’Onn J’Onzz’s two-second takedown of Brimstone in JLTF!