DC Comics first universe-spanning trading card series was produced by Impel Marketing in 1991. Some date confusion was created because the cards themselves were identified as the 1992 series. Firestorm received his own card, highlighting his then-current status as an Elemental lost in space. The pencils and inks on the card were done by the fantastic Tom Mandrake. Below you’ll find the front and reverse of this card.
Click here to check out the 1992 Impel DC Comics Firehawk trading card that we covered a while back!
Remember a few years ago when the Booster Gold comic did an official Zero Hour tie-in issue, over ten years after Zero Hour was over? Today’s post is a little like that. Last year several superhero blogs teamed-up to cover the 1992 Impel DC Comics trading card series. Frank Lee Delano invited me to join in the fun, but my own personal schedule got in the way. So consider this my late addition to the crossover!
Idol-Head of Diabolu (A Martian Manhunter Blog)
DC Bloodlines
Justice League Detroit
Diana Prince as the New Wonder Woman
Power of the Atom
Comics Make Me Happy
Better late than never!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!
Shoot, Shag! You should have given me a shout! I’ve probably tapped out the Idol-Head, but I could have dug stuff up for another round! Heck, maybe I still will. You give that “crossover” too much credit, given that they were all my blogs plus the one card to Liss. Anyway, dang those cards look big in this forum. My scanner is old and crappy, so I’d have to really hunt around for the perfect spot on my bed to pull a scan with that kind of detail. Good show!
i have this complete set including the two checklist in absolute perfect condition. and alot of other cards
i have a couple of these cards in good condition…how much are they worth?