Here is a fantastic George Perez drawing of Firestorm done back in 1999. In the early 1980s Perez drew Firestorm back-up stories in The Flash, and drew our favorite Nuclear Man in Justice League of America. Even though Firestorm didn’t have his own regular series at the time, Perez drew the character often enough that I consider him the second regular Firestorm artist.
There is a neat story behind this drawing too. A.j. Chwaster, a fellow Firestorm fan and long-time supporter of this site, sent me this scan. As I understand it, one of A.j.’s pieces of art was stolen from an art contest at the 1999 Motor City Comic Con. Then as a favor to the con organizer, George Perez sent this drawing to A.j. as a replacement for the stolen piece. George had no obligation to do this, but was kind enough to oblige.
Wow… Perez is such a great guy, and an amazing artist!
Support Firestorm (and George Perez)! Fan the flame!

Gorgeous piece too. I’d be hanging that proudly.
WOW that sketch of Firestorm is stunning. Absolutely beautiful. It doesn’t surprise me Mr. Perez would do something like this, drawing a sketch for someone gratis. He is a really great guy, probably one of the nicest creators I have ever met. He is the tops!
As the proud owner of this great piece of art, I was thrilled to receive this in the mail back in ’99. Usually, Mr. Perez only will do only headshot sketches for fans at conventions, mostly for contributions for charities like the Hero Initiative, unless it’s a paid commission. It’s my understanding that he possibly drew this while on the plane trip back home from the con. Such an awesome guy!