Last week we let you know about the McDonalds Happy Meal Firestorm toy from the Batman: The Brave and the Bold line. Over the weekend I picked up one of these toys for myself. Below you’ll find several pics.
Below is the insert from the toy bag. Firestorm also came with Two-Face and Solomon Grundy. Other than the toy itself, this is the only acknowledgment of Firestorm in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold Happy Meal promotions. There is no mention or image of Firestorm on the Happy Meal boxes, the McDonalds Happy Meal downloadable activities, or in the TV commercial.
As I said previously, I’m THRILLED Firestorm earned a coveted McDonalds Happy Meal toy; I just wish they’d colored the figure a little more accurately. The mold itself is pretty good and represents the Batman: The Brave and the Bold Firestorm quite well! I really dig the translucent red hair and nuclear blast! It’s just the overall coloring that’s so far off. To demonstrate the coloring differences, I’ve used the line drawing from the insert above. The first image below represents how they actually colored the toy.
The next image below represents the coloring of Firestorm in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon.
Again, you can see the mold is just fine. The only detail they left off was Firestorm’s trunks. Personally I consider that level of detail pretty good! If you compare the two images, you’ll see the coloring was off on the boots, belt, sleeves, chest emblem, cowl, and most surprisingly the facial skin color. The discrepancies in the hair and nuclear blast are easily debatable, so I ignore those. Now I realize Firestorm has a complicated costume and simplifying the paint job saves McDonalds time and money. However, I still think they could have made a better effort.
The toy itself is rather small. That’s understandable considering they give you three toys per meal. To provide a sense of scale, below you’ll find the Happy Meal toy side-by-side with the Action League Firestorm and the Super Powers Firestorm. With the exception of Heroclix, this is the smallest Firestorm toy ever.
While the paint job and lack of additional promotional material is disappointing, it’s still a huge thrill to find Firestorm reaching such a mainstream audience. The Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon will be ending soon, so this is probably the last round of Happy Meal toys from the show. Maybe we need a campaign for Firestorm to appear on the Young Justice cartoon so we can get another McDonalds Happy Meal toy!
Even if you’re underwhelmed by this toy, be sure to swing by McDonalds soon and pick one up. I purchased mine separately for less than $2 without buying the Happy Meal. Let’s show support for our favorite Nuclear Man! If you still don’t want the toy after purchasing it, give it to a child. Let them discover the fun of Firestorm!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Heya Shag! Great post love it. I am planning on geting a few of those later today.
My friend got me one too. Wonder if whoever made the toys is just a Ronnie fan? 😉
Costume looks more like Kid Flash too…
And thanks for the mention in the first article about the HM toys!
HAHA! Yeah I mentioned that I purchased the whole set and yep Firestorm was a part of it. I actually got kind of excited when I saw it because I thought it was Kid Flash and then I remembered it was Firestorm and chuckled to myself. I think I might take a go at coloring in the missed bits. A thin paint marker should make it a cinch.
ooh, cool *runs off to eBay*
[…] McDonalds Happy Meal Toy for Firestorm! & McDonalds Happy Meal Firestorm Toy: The Low Down […]
[…] the most unexpected Firestorm toy (and most unrecognizable) came in McDonalds Happy Meal – Batman: The Brave and the Bold (Apr. […]