Brightest Day #23 should be hitting stores today! According to the solicit this issue features Firestorm versus Deadman, which makes SO MUCH MORE sense now then it did when originally solicited. Presumably, this will lead into Firestorm becoming a fire elemental… again. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Be sure to pick up your copy today!
Sadly, the DC Direct Brightest Day Series 2: Firestorm action figure, originally solicited to ship on April 6, has been postponed until June 1. I’m bummed about this delay. Just yesterday I FINALLY got my very own Justice League Unlimited Firestorm action figure. I was looking forward to completing the set today with the Brightest Day figure. Oh well, I suppose I can wait until June. Hopefully between now and then my mind won’t snap with anticipation, thus causing me to go postal. … hopefully …
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Unfortunately Shag, that figure could very well be pushed back further. DC Direct has pretty much not stuck to ANY of their original release dates. In SOME cases they’ve actually pushed items back 3 or 4 times instead of just once!
DC Direct is using buisness practices that will EVENTUALLY cause them quite a bit of pain. Everyone makes excuses for WHY they do this made sense at first, then it happened SO MANY TIMES that now theres no reason anymore. It’s pathetic and I MEAN it when I say I dropped EVERY figure I was going to buy from them except the SELECT FEW that I thought I just HAD to have. I just don’t want to give them any more money than I have to.