Two weeks ago DC finally published their solicitation for the FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MAN trade paperback. It’s been listed on Amazon for months, but it’s nice to finally see the official announcement from DC. Also, keep reading as there may be some “easter eggs” that aren’t mentioned in the solicit!
For the first time, the stories that introduced Firestorm are collected from issues #1-5 of his 1970s series, plus stories from THE FLASH #289-293. After Ronnie Raymond is tricked into nearly blowing up a nuclear reactor, he and Professor Martin Stein are caught in a nuclear incident. Their personalities merge, forming the being called Firestorm!
176pg. | Color | Softcover | $17.99 US
Okay, here’s the information on the possible “easter eggs”… Rumor has it that DC may consider including previously unpublished material in this collection. Some items that immediately spring to my mind include the sixth unpublished issue of Firestorm the Nuclear Man, as well as pencils from issue #7 and character design sketches. Issue #6 only ever appeared in Cancelled Comic Cavalcade with a minuscule print run of just 35 copies. If this is true, it would be the first time we’ve ever seen issue #6 in color! How cool is that!?!?! I’ve done some calculations myself, and if they include all the issues from the solicit (including covers), they still come up about 30 pages short of the advertised 176 pages. That leads me to believe we just might see this bonus material!
Contact your comic book shop and pre-order your copy right now! Even if you already have the issues, order a copy of this trade! Let’s send a clear message to DC that we’ll support Firestorm comics in trade paperback format! If you want to see further Firestorm reprints, such as collected editions of The Fury of Firestorm series, then order this trade! By purchasing a copy you’re also supporting creators like Gerry Conway and Al Milgrom! Order today!
Support Firestorm! It’s not just slogan! Seriously, SUPPORT FIRESTORM by ordering this trade paperback! Fan the Flame!

I’m really looking forward to this. Hopefully this means we’ll get trades of Fury of Firestorm too! My collection is pretty spotty and I’d love to have all the issues.
I am going to order this, thanks to what you said above. I discovered this character about two years ago when I found about twenty or thirty issues of his series at the Goodwill for fifty cents each and one of those issues were from the first series. Now I am only missing two from the first series and about thirty issues left to get for the second series. By the way I have been listening to Views from the Longbox and have enjoyed them all but the ones that guest host on are my favorites especially Bat week.
Terry – Thanks for the kind words about “Views from the Longbox”. I have a great time on that podcast and Mike is very kind to keep inviting me back!
Glad to hear you are going to order the trade! Also, great to hear from a recent Firestorm convert!
[…] Broderick took over the penciling chores from Denys Cowan. Prior to Cowan, George Perez and Jim Starlin had both drawn installments of these Firestorm eight-page back-up stories. Talk about an impressive line-up of talent! I can’t wait to re-read some of these back-up stories in the upcoming Firestorm The Nuclear Man trade paperback! […]
[…] the first time, the stories from the 1970s that introduced Firestorm are being collected (Firestorm vol 1 #1-5, plus stories from The Flash #289-293). DC Comics is scheduled to release […]
Was ths ever published and did it include issue # 6 and the Flash back-up stories ?
Lance – Yup! It was released and it included several of the Flash back-up stories (not all, but many), plus the previously unpublished issue #6!
Definitely worth picking up!