DC Comics has released the variant cover by Ivan Reis for Brightest Day #22. Check out this gorgeous Deathstorm cover! Great job by Ivan!
Brightest Day #22 ships on March 16. Based upon the cover, this could be the big fight between Firestorm and Deathstorm we’ve all been waiting for!
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Weird…he’s sporting a Black Lantern power ring. Deathstorm doesn’t have one of those…
@liquidcross – I was thinking the same thing but forgot to mention in my write-up. I wonder if it’s on purpose, or just a mistake.
Wow–I admit, I haven’t been buying the Firestorm variant covers to Blackest Night–but this one just looks–to borrow one of Deathstorm’s 80s cliches–so boss. Think I’ll have to pick this one up.
Looks also like I’ll be able to wrap up my own Firestorm retrospective (5th part now up!) with most of Brightest Day available! Really hoping for a new Firestorm series when this is all said and done…