I came across these Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos recently, at a gas station of all places! I was shocked to find Firestorm amongst the characters! There was no way I was passing these up!
Below you’ll find the Firestorm character tattoo, beneath that is a shot of Firestorm from the actual cartoon. Looks like the colorist for the tattoos didn’t watch the cartoon all that often.
Below you’ll find a tattoo of a unique-looking Firestorm logo. It’s not bad, it’s just unlike anything we’ve seen before.
There were four different sheets in the package, each repeated one time (for a grand total of eight tattoo sheets). To give you some perspective, each sheet measures about six inches across and five-and-a-half inches high. There were two different sheets of characters and two different sheets of logos. Below is the sheet featuring Firestorm. I absolutely love the Gentleman Ghost and Despero tattoos! Check out the Atom rockin’ two tattoos! He obviously rates better than Firestorm or B’wana Beast!
Below is the other sheet of characters. You just can’t beat Aquaman riding a shark!
The next two sheets feature the logos.
I really like these! My four year old daughter LOVES temporary tattoos. Now I just gotta convince her to wear a Firestorm tattoo for her dear ole dad. Knowing my luck she’ll probably pick B’wana Beast.
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!
*** UPDATE ***
Our good buddies Frank Lee Delano (of more blogs than you could possibly imagine), Rob of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE, and Doug of RED TORNADO’S PATH have joined in the fun and posted some of these temporary tattoos on their sites! Frank’s also featured a similar Batman: The Brave and the Bold sticker set. Glitter stickers! Yes, you heard me properly – GLITTER STICKERS! Show the guys some appreciation by demonstrating you know how to click …
- Ryan Choi gets a tat @ Power of the Atom
- The Big Red Cheese gets inked @ DC Bloodlines featuring Captain Marvel
- Despero gets some skin graffiti @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu, a Martian Manhunter blog
- Aquaman, Batman, and others get all glittery @ Justice League Detroit
- Aquaman gets some ink branding @ The Aquaman Shrine
- Red Tornado gets some new paint @ Red Tornado’s Path
Thanks Frank, Rob, and Doug!

Aside from the funky Red Tornado and Plastic Man jobs, I really love those tattoo badges!
Those logos, including the Firestorm one, have been turned into t-shirts. I just saw it over at 80stees.com: http://www.80stees.com/products/Firestorm-Shirt.asp
I saw that the other day. Crazy!
Thanks for thinking of me! Much appreciated!
[…] may recall a few weeks ago we looked at some Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos. Among the faux tats were a few very unusual-looking hero logos. Well, a company called 80s […]
[…] Firestorm @ Firestorm Fan […]
[…] 10, I always seem to stop at the same gas station. While there last year I came across some Batman: The Brave and the Bold temporary tattoos featuring Firestorm. I stopped there again recently and came across the Justice League stickers below, also featuring […]