Check out this excellent Firestorm cosplayer at Dragon*Con 2010 sporting the new costume from Brightest Day!
This year was my tenth appearance at Dragon*Con in Atlanta. I’ve never seen anyone dressed as Firestorm in all my years attending. Allen from the Superhero Costuming Forum dressed as the Nuclear Man back in 2008 at Dragon*Con, but I missed it. While I didn’t see Allen as Firestorm with my own eyes, I was able to find a few snapshots on the internet. Allen and I started corresponding afterward and have bumped into one another the past couple years. He was kind enough to give me a heads-up in advance about this year’s Firestorm cosplayer!
Brad West of dressed as the real-life Nuclear Man this year! Brad is also a member of the Superhero Costuming Forum and has designed several other cosplayers outfits. Brad did an outstanding job on this particular costume with a real attention to detail. I took several shots of Brad as Firestorm. Here are a few…
Below you’ll find Brad as Firestorm in a Justice League of America group shot.
Below is my favorite group shot from Dragon*Con! It was the DC Comics cosplay photo shoot. It featured most of the DC Comics cosplayers at the convention, along with the legendary George Perez himself in the middle! Notice all the characters exploding outward from George. Brad as Firestorm is about four rows above George. This photo shoot was coordinated by the folks over at the Superhero Costuming Forum. Allen, the same guy that dressed as Firestorm back in 2008, was the director for most of these large cosplay shoots. Let me tell you, Allen does an amazing job on these shoots. If you ever get a chance to attend one, watch how he manages the crowd. He’s assertive, yet incredibly nice. I learned a lot about managing people just from watching him. Click the image below to enlarge.
To view all my pictures of Brad as Firestorm, click here to visit my Flickr gallery.
I was feeling fancy and tried my hand at a little Photoshop on Brad’s picture. I wasn’t terribly pleased with the result, but it was a fun exercise. See below.
With my lame attempt above for comparison, check out the amazing Photoshops Brad sent me. Impressive!
As you probably already know, a few of us DC character-specific bloggers work together from time-to-time. Well, several bloggers ran pictures of Dragon*Con cosplayers and I thought you might enjoy their write-ups:
The Aquaman Shrine
Aquaman Family Cosplay @ DragonCon 2010
Comics Make Me Happy!
Dragon*Con 2010 With Booster Gold and Blue Beetle!
Diana Prince: Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman & the Wonder Girls Cosplay
Black Lantern Wonder Woman Cosplay
Dragon*Con 2010 Donna Troy Cosplay
Dragon*Con 2010 Circe as Wonder Woman Cosplayer
Doom Patrol: My Greatest Adventure
Beast Boy at Dragon Con!
Being Carter Hall (Hawkman Blog)
Hawkgirl Cosplayer At DragonCon 2010
The Idol-Head of Diabolu (Martian Manhunter blog)
Dragon*Con 2010 Martian Manhunter Cosplayer
Dragon*Con 2010 Black Lantern Martian Manhunter Cosplayer
Dragon*Con 2010 Miss Martian & One Year Later Martian Manhunter Cosplay
Dragon*Con 2010 Best of Martian Manhunter Cosplay
Justice League Detroit
Black Lantern Aquaman & Wonder Woman Cosplay
Dragon*Con 2010 Zatanna Cosplay
2010 Zatanna Cosplay (Blue & White) by DJ Spider
I am the Phantom Stranger
The Phantom Stranger at the 2010 DragonCon
Once Upon a Geek
Need Halloween Costume Ideas? Look a these from DragonCon!
Power of the Atom
Indigo Tribe Atom Cosplayer
Dragon*Con 2010 The Atom (Ray Palmer) Cosplayer
Dragon*Con 2010 Peacemaker Cosplayer
Speed Force (Flash Blog)
Flash & Rogues Costumes at Dragon*Con 2010 – Part 1
Flash Costumes at Dragon*Con 2010 – Part 2
DC Bloodlines
Dragon*Con 2010 Cyborg Cosplayer
HeroesCon, Wondercon & Dragon*Con 2010 Huntress Cosplay
For a recap of my Dragon*Con 2010 adventures, please visit my other blog ONCE UPON A GEEK.
Once again, great job Brad on your Firestorm costume! Be sure to check out Brad’s company,! He offers a wide variety of cosplayer outfits!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Irredeemable Shag, Geekarino. Geekarino said: RT @onceuponageek: Firestorm Cosplay at Dragon*Con 2010! #comics […]
[…] finally, here she is with our friend Brad West in his Brightest Day Firestorm costume from Outrageous […]
[…] is a very difficult costume to cosplay. Previously, we’ve featured Allen Hansard and Brad West (both from the Superhero Costuming Forum) in their excellent Firestorm cosplay efforts. […]
[…] Below you’ll find Brad West as Firestorm at Dragon*Con 2010 […]