Our good friend Jon at the Fizzit blog has once again supplied us with scans of some gorgeous original Firestorm art! Today we’ll be looking at the creation of the Brightest Day #2 variant cover by Ivan Reis and a cool Blackest Night page.
Jon owns several original Firestorm pages and has been kind enough to allow me to publish scans of them here from time to time. Jon’s been a great contributor to FIRESTORM FAN and my thanks go out to him. You may view scans of his entire art collection online by clicking here.
Below is a jam page by Ivan Reis as he sketched out some possible variant covers for Brightest Day issues 2, 3, and 5. We’re gonna focus on the top row of sketches for Brightest Day #2. To see the final variant covers Ivan Reis produced for Brightest Day issues 3 and 5, please click here and click here.
Below are closer looks at those three variant cover sketches for Brightest Day #2 by Ivan Reis.
Below is Ivan Reis’ preliminary sketch for the variant cover to Brightest Day #2. This is a beautiful piece! What a great find for Jon! Beneath that I’ve included the finished cover (both original and colored) for comparison with this preliminary sketch.
Below is Ivan Reis’ finished cover for the Brightest Day #2 variant cover. Jon does not own this piece as it’s currently selling for $2,500 on The Artist Choice website. I’m including it here so you can compare with the preliminary sketch above. The only thing I can see that changed from preliminary to final are the bubbles behind the Atom.
For reference, below is the final colored variant cover to Brightest Day #2 as it appeared on the comic itself.
Below you can see how Jon framed his new acquisitions. Great looking sketches and a really nice way to display them!
Just curious, anyone else see a resemblance between Ivan Reis’ variant cover for Brightest Day #2 and Tom Fleming’s Firestorm painting for the VS System collectible trading card game? Maybe it’s just me.
As a bonus, here is another original page Jon recently picked up! This is Blackest Night #3, page 4. A really nice page featuring lots of Black Lantern Firestorm!
My thanks again to Jon at the Fizzit blog for providing me with these scans to publish!
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