In 1985 and 1986, DC Comics and Kid Vid Productions released three Super Powers “See & Read” products combining artwork, reading, and audio narration. To honest, I had never even heard of these things until today. In my brief research, I’ve found that they produced both LP records and VHS cassettes. The records came with a book you would you follow along in as you listened to the LP. This wasn’t terribly uncommon for DC as they had produced many of these types of products over the years. What is interesting is they also produced VHS tapes in this line. The VHS tape featured the images from the book, with read-along-text, and the audio narration. The camera would pan across the images in an attempt to create the sense of motion. It reminds me somewhat of the 1960s Marvel cartoons that utilized static images instead of full-blown animation.
It appears that each of the “See & Read” adventures featured heroes from the first and second wave of Super Powers action figures. Today we’re going to look at the second in the series entitled, Darkseid… of the Moon . The story was written by Andy Helfer and drawn by Alex Saviuk and Mike Manley. In this tale, they reuse some of the story ideas from the Super Powers mini-comics. For example, there is a bit in the “See & Read” story where Firestorm defeats Mantis by creating Kryptonite just as he did in his Super Powers mini-comic.
Here is the cover to the Super Powers: Darkseid… of the Moon “See & Read” record.
Here is the cover to the Super Powers: Darkseid… of the Moon “See & Read” VHS cassette.
Here are scans from several of the pages of Super Powers: Darkseid… of the Moon “See & Read” book.
Artwork from the “See & Read” book found on Comic Art Community.
Thanks to the wonders of YouTube, you can watch the entire VHS of Super Powers: Darkseid… of the Moon. Check them out!
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[…] Firestorm Fan digs out an old Super-Powers adventure: Darkseid… of the Moon […]
OK so it’s Darkseid. You can’t give me a frickin’ boom tube?!? It’s a circular flash of light. How hard could that really be to pull off?… Damn, Darkseid on SMALLVILLE, now this is definitely going to be a good season, too bad its the final one though.
I really hate how Darkseid of the Moon disappeared from YouTube. When I found it on eBay, I bid on it just seconds before the auction was over, but then some other dumb user outbid me, and so I didn’t win the tape. Hopefully whoever DID win it will upload it back onto YouTube; that’s just what I’d do if I were him/her!
It’s a long shot that I’ll get a reply this but what would the cash vale be on the VHS?
Any updates links for the videos? Thanks