Here is the recently-released Firestorm action figure from the DC Universe Infinite Heroes line (#58 in the series). This is the Ronnie Raymond/Professor Martin Stein Firestorm. Like the other Infinite Heroes figures, Firestorm has been done in the 3-3/4″ scale, so he’s considerably smaller than his DC Direct and DC Universe Classics counterparts. It’s about the size of a Star Wars figure. With flaming hair, he’s only four inches tall.
It’s interesting that this Firestorm figure-design reflects bits and pieces of the Jason Firestorm costume. If you look closely, you’ll see this Ronnie Raymond Firestorm has Jason’s collar, gloves, and pattern on his back. Perhaps they are planning a Jason figure for the Infinite Heroes line and wanted to be able to re-use some of the molds.
One thing that bothers me about the figure-design is the chest emblem. If you look on the right-hand side of the emblem (the left-hand side from Ronnie’s perspective), there are only two white lines coming out of the large red circle. These white lines represent the orbits of the electrons and the large red circle represents the nucleus. You’ve got three orbits on left-side of the red nucleus and only two orbits on the right-side? What happened to the third electron? Do we need to call Bill Nye to figure this out?!?!
Overall this is a nice figure. I like the smaller size and they put a good amount of detail into the costume. Unfortunately mine has a minor paint defect on the right temple, but it’s not terrible. This is definitely a figure I’d recommend to fans of the Ronnie Raymond/Professor Martin Stein Firestorm. The figure came out recently, so you might still find it in stores. I was unsuccessful in locating one myself and had to order it from eBay.
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And again they do an inaccurate Ronnie costume because the mould is based on the Jason costume. Bothers me quite a bit, although it’s still nice to see Ronnie in the public consciousness despite his absence in the comics.
But man, I’m tired of the coninuous inaccurate costume specs. The sleeves, the white stripes (the red stripes going up the butt!?!?!?).
I’m part of an action figure forum where I’ve been very vocal about this. It’s a shame because DC Direct is the only one who’s gotten it right in recent years but these Mattel toys are easier found by the masses.
Is it bad that I am more annoyed by the inclusion of “Professor Zoom” as a co-sell, when the toy packaging identifies him as Hunter Zolomon?
How hard would it be to touch up the paint and put the third white line on there?
Who’s designing these things? Aren’t they going through quality control or something?
Regarding this Assortment: Ew.
Nice review and pictures. Firestorm is always hard to find and to get such a detailed figure is a bonus :>
He looks so glum!
Wow, that’s one of the better ones..
..not a huge fan of those figures, but hey – that’s a good Firestorm.