Welcome to FIRESTORM FAN’s part of the Crisis on Earth-Blog: The DC Challenge! FIRESTORM FAN is the source for DC Comics’ Nuclear Man! You’ll find anything and everything Firestorm-related here. Things such as merchandise, comics, toys, apparel, cartoons, news, creator interviews, and commentary about the character. If this is your first time here, welcome aboard! If you’re a regular, I think you’ll enjoy this crossover event.
Today and throughout the next few weeks on comic book-themed blogs across the internet, DC Comics characters are being spotlighted in a series of challenges. In my case I’ll be representing Firestorm, my all-time favorite superhero. Your DC Challenge, if you choose to accept it, involves visiting each of these various blogs and tackling their particular challenge.
The objective of these challenges is to go from blog to blog until you reach the goal-page featuring a lush scan from an obscure George Pérez pin-up of every major character involved in this crossover event. We all hope you enjoy this online scavenger hunt, and the new comic blogs you’ll be exposed to! Many thanks go out to mastermind Frank Lee Delano (of the blogs: Idol-Head of Diabolu, Justice League Detroit, and …nurgh…) for coordinating this massive effort! Way to go, Frank!
Your FIRESTORM FAN challenge is the crossword puzzle below. I couldn’t embed the crossword puzzle itself, so you’ll have to click the image to be taken to the interactive puzzle. Each question in the puzzle relates to either Firestorm or a character participating in this crossover. Just a heads-up, I removed any spaces or hyphens from the answers. For example “Captain Amazing” would simply be “CaptainAmazing”; or “Locust-Man” would simply be “LocastMan”. Once you’ve finished the challenge, be sure to investigate the other links beneath the puzzle. Have fun!
Hope you enjoyed the crossword puzzle! Now you’ll have to work your way through a few of the blogs below if you want to reach the goal-page featuring an obscure George Pérez pin-up of every major character in this crossover. Some of these blogs are participating in the crossover today, others will be in the coming weeks. Visit them now, visit them later, visit them often!
- The Aquaman Shrine
- The Atom: Tiny Titan
- Hawkman/Hawkwoman at Being Carter Hall
- Metal Men at Comics Make Me Happy
- Flash at Crimson Lightning
- Green Arrow at Dispatches from the Arrow Cave
- Black Lightning and Unknown Soldier at El Jacone’s Comic Book Bunker
- Firestorm Fan
- Black Canary at Girls Gone Geek and Wonder Woman at Girls Gone Geek
- I Am The Phantom Stranger
- Martian Manhunter at The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- Elongated Man and Zatanna at Justice League Detroit
- Captain Comet at …nurgh…
- Doctor Fate at Once Upon a Geek
- He-Man and Battle Cat at Pretty, Fizzy Paradise
- Mister Miracle at random picture day
- Adam Strange at Reilly2040’s Blog
- Supergirl Comic Box Commentary
- Sgt. Rock at when is evil cool?
- Batgirl at The Anti-Didio League of America
- Plastic Man at The Continuity Blog
- General support from Toyriffic
If you enjoy blog crossovers, then you may want to check out the previous comic blog crossovers we’ve done. The first major Crisis on Earth-Blog celebrated the gorgeous George Pérez/Alex Ross painting from the Crisis on Infinite Earths 1998 hardcover. The next blog crossover was a celebration of the Super Powers Collection’s 25th Anniversary.
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Speed Force, Irredeemable Shag, Girls Gone Geek, John Mulder, Sean McLaughlin and others. Sean McLaughlin said: RT @onceuponageek: 22 comic blogs x-over for Crisis on Earth-Blog: DC Challenge. Doctor Fate http://bit.ly/aOYGDO & Firestorm http://bit.ly/d6eX3O. #comics […]
[…] Firestorm Fan […]