Over at IGN, DC Direct’s Georg Brewer gives the scoop on upcoming Blackest Night action figures from DC Direct. One of the new figures on the horizon is Blackest Night Firestorm (see below). This figure is scheduled to be part of Wave 4. No release date yet, but I’ll be sure to post it here once it’s announced.
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Sweet, sweet, sweet!
This figure looks awesome and then some!
I’m part of an action figure forum and there’s a lot of positive buzz about this figure. People like the design.
I’m still a bit freaked out by seeing my childhood hero treated this way but maybe if we’re lucky it will lead to a resurrection of sorts by the end of the series.
Wow, That looks so good. I can’t wait for it.
Thanks for keeping up this Blog Shag. It is hard to find Firestorm info on the net.
[…] known about the Black Lantern Firestorm action figure for a while now, but some better pictures came out of SDCC. This figure looks really neat. […]