Check out this one-panel cameo of Firestorm in Green Lantern #43. That issue is a prelude to Blackest Night. The image came from the DC Blog. Click the image for an enlarged view.
Dang… I can not wait! Seeing all of these characters again is going to be awesome!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Seeing the characters again WILL be awesome. Too bad they’ll be soulless zombies!
Here’s hoping something good comes out of it all, like Ronnie returning as Firestorm, Hank Hall returning as Hawk and maybe a few others.
I gotta say, though, Mahnke draws one helluva great Firestorm. Not to mention everyone else on this page. That Psycho Pirate panel is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.
Interesting that three of the sixteen shots show characters being impaled.
Also interesting is that Johns is at least partly responsible for about half of the deaths on that page.
Anyway, as we get closer and closer to Blackest Night I am getting more excited about it. I imagine that Katar Hol and/or Shayera Thal will play a role at some point, although at this point your guess is as good as mine as to what that role is. Hopefully at the end of this the idea of “shock death” will become played out in the DCU for a while.
I don’t know about getting anyone back from the dead. I mean, would I like to have Martian Manhunter still kicking around? Yeah, but his death in Final Crisis and Final Crisis: Requiem was pretty darn amazing, and maybe its best for the character to take a break for a few years. Same with Aquaman — I really, really dug Sword of Atlantis, but I think Arthur needs a few years off before he gets brought back.
Personally I’d run into the street and shout at the top of my lungs if somehow, someway, Synnar The Demiurge was involved in this story.