I’ve been going to DragonCon in Atlanta for years. Recently I’ve made it my goal to take as many pictures of good superhero costumes as possible. I snapped over 400 good pics in 2007 and again in 2008. You can view some of my DragonCon pics here and here.
So I’m astonished that I missed the guy dressed as Firestorm at DragonCon 2008. How did I miss this guy?!?!?!
Here is a close-up of his flaming hair. Well done!
Finally, here is a Justice League gathering at DragonCon.
I’ll have to watch closer this year!
Support Firestorm! Fan the flame!

Okay, Mr. Firestorm fan… you complained previously about the mistake in the Firestorm action figure (with the extra red dot at the 1 o’clock position), but this guy has the same thing! And, in perusing the older posts, I see that the Bubby Shelby sketch from February 23 has the same mystery dot! (I can’t tell, but it seems the 2007 DC Encyclopedia entry you listed from January 23 has the same dot, as does the JLA/JSA Secret Files & Origins #1 listed on January 22.)
So, I’m left with two possibilities:
1) This guy based his costume on the action figure, and Bubba based his drawing on it as well (possible, since the figure’s from 2004… but it doesn’t explain the 2003 JLA/JSA Secret Files & Origins #1). … OR…
2) There exists some other errant reference sheet that all these folks are getting their incorrect dot from (or are basing their works on something that was based on the errant reference, like a photocopy of a mistake).
3) (I suppose there’s a third possibility that each of these folks keeps independently making the =same= mistake, but it seems unlikely.)
So, Mr. Firestorm Fan, how about it? Are the pieces starting to fall together for the longest- running conspiracy in the DC Universe?! What is… THE DOT?
My nose is twitching! C’mon, Sue… there’ s a MYSTERY to solve! … Sue? … Suu-uuee… Wakey, wakey! … Crap.
Hey Steven,
If you consider the wrap-around logo as a 3-dimensional nuclear atom, there should only be one globe for every white ring. There’s three rings, three globes. People could add two to one in their designs, but I don’t think it makes sense or looks good.
In most instances, Flamehead was drawn with three globes, all on the left side only.
This costume, apart from the one glitch, is pretty freaking awesome!
Steven – Very interesting observation. I didn’t even notice that! And Outburst is correct, the white rings are supposed to represent electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom. So having two electrons on the same orbit is just asking for trouble.
Now that you’ve brought a number of inconsistencies to my attention, I have to wonder if this isn’t the greatest DC mystery since Armageddon 2001 and the TRUE identity of Monarch.
I will investigate and report back on this conspiracy!
Heck, I’m thinking this might be bigger than when the JSA vowed to track down the murderer of Mr. Terrific in 1979 (Justice League of America #171-172), and it wasn’t resolved ’til 1997!
Could this go even deeper than the temporal paradox of the original Wonder Girl (the adventures of Wonder Woman when she was a girl) being inducted into the original Teen Titans?
Does anyone recognize the guy with the military style hat to the right of Green Lantern and behind Blue Beetle?
You didn’t see him because he was warned about you, Shag. The restraining order is already in the works.
The guy in the military hat is Captain Action. He never was a member of the JLA but he was briefly published by DC. Maybe he stop by to say hi so old friends.
I love Hawkman’s “facepalm” look. I imagine because Captain Action is hanging out with them!
I keed, I keed!
Awesome stuff!
Hi! That’s me in my Firestorm costume, and yes, I did base it on the action figure. Glad you like it! More photos of the costume can be seen on my MySpace page:
Shag, i don’t want to get you too excited but Gerry Conway just dropped a link to this post in his Twitter Feed
Poddington – Thanks for the heads-up!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Irredeemable Shag, Gerry Conway. Gerry Conway said: To give credit where credit is due, that Firestorm costume photo appeared on this Firestorm fan page: http://tinyurl.com/yzhe657 […]
[…] can imagine, Firestorm is a very difficult costume to cosplay. Previously, we’ve featured Allen Hansard and Brad West (both from the Superhero Costuming Forum) in their excellent Firestorm cosplay […]
[…] at Dragon*Con, but I missed it. While I didn’t see Allen as Firestorm with my own eyes, I was able to find a few snapshots on the internet. Allen and I started corresponding afterward and have bumped into one another the past couple […]
[…] cool is that! If you are unfamiliar with Allen, here is some background. Allen was the very first Firestorm cosplayer we featured here at FIRESTORM FAN. Additionally, Allen organizes the massive cosplay photoshoots at DragonCon each year for the […]
[…] Firestorm Box Hero was cosplayed by Allen Hansard (see below). Allen was the very first Firestorm cosplayer we featured here at FIRESTORM FAN. Additionally, Allen is the Grand Poobah over at the Superhero Costuming […]
[…] up is Firestorm cosplayed by Allen Hansard. Allen was the very first Firestorm cosplayer we featured here at FIRESTORM FAN. Additionally, Allen is the Grand Poobah over at the Superhero Costuming Forum. Here is Allen with […]