Remember when you could walk into a fast-food restaurant, pay a few cents extra, and get a real glass featuring your favorite comic book or cartoon character? Remember how much fun was it to go back every week to see what glass would be released next? I remember owning and cherishing several superhero and Star Wars glasses myself.
Well Firestorm fans, feast your eyes on this…
Perplexed? You don’t recall seeing this particular glass as a kid? Don’t worry, your memory isn’t faulty. This is a new glass produced just last year from PopFun Merchandising’s ‘Toon Tumblers line.
They did a phenomenal job making this glass look like a genuine DC character glass from the 1970s. The art is evocative of the original 1978 Firestorm series, and the logo is taken directly from that series. The drawing of Firestorm himself was most likely done by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez; since PopFun uses the DC Style Guides for much of their artwork this is a reasonable assumption. The background nuclear symbol (based upon Firestorm’s chest insignia) was drawn by Thom Zahler (creator of the comic book “Love and Capes“).
This awesome pint glass is a must-have for all Firestorm fans! C’mon, it’s Firestorm and a pint glass – what a perfect combination! Okay, is it a true “pint glass”? Probably not, but it’s darn close. I purchased two myself because glasses have a tendency to get broken in my house — R.I.P. 1976 Aquaman Pepsi glass.
You can order yours today from PopFun Merchandising by clicking here. They also have a wide selection of other Marvel and DC character glasses worth checking out.
My thanks to Thom Zahler for providing the background information on this piece. Also, the first couple sentences of this post were taken from the PopFun web site.
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That’s awesome!
Growing up, my brother and I had a huge amount of the Harvey glasses, as well as Rocky & Bullwinkle glasses. It was always a treat for us to get chocolate milk in our glasses of choice — my brother’s usually being Hot Stuff and mine typically being SIMON BAR SINISTER.
I really dig the two Iron Man versions they have — both the normal one, with the art from Iron Man #100, as well as the NYCC one with all the different Shellhead images. Too cool!
Sadly, there is no Hawkman glass.
Oh man, I really want a Firestorm glass now! Of course, they also have Doc Strange and Moon Knight. If they would just release a Green Arrow, I could die a happy man.
I had a lot of those glasses, purchased mostly at Arby’s if I remember correctly.
To this day, I still have warm feelings for the chain, and smile appreciatively when I pass the one near my LCS.
I’m vegetarian now and won’t shop there, but still. Good times!
I got one, I got one!! I love this Firestorm glass. A really good friend of mine got me one for Christmas.
For some odd reason, I want to say the original glasses were a Pizza Hut special. I had SHAZAM! Two fo them, but my folks never got more. My cousin had the whole lot, but he never really liked anyone besides Batman.
I do remember (and still have) some glases from the old WB store. They had 12 oz glasses – Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and I think Flash – and pint glasses as well. I only got the Flash pint, which I still have and use! Of course, his costume has faded to pink, but I just pretend he’s running for Breast Cancer Awareness.
I own the Warlock tumbler, and am a better man for it. Still need Dr. Strange and Luke Cage, though.
I have this glass and my favorite thing to drink from it is an adult beverage of my own creation which I call a Firestorm but it is really a tequila sunrise with a splash of pineapple. Still the colors are perfect so try one see how you like it. Speaking of collectible glasses our family had a bunch of those too, and mom usually made us drink from them since she never cared if they broke or whatever. We had all 4 Return of the Jedi glasses (from Burger King I think) and some Great Muppet Caper glasses (not sure where we got those).
Firestormfan89 – That sounds like a decent drink! I may have to try that. Great Muppet Caper glasses!!!! I hadn’t thought of those in years. Thanks for the reminder!